
What can marketers learn from 2020 to lead digital transformation in the new year?
Years before the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down and forever redefined the word “disruption,” digital technologies were gaining traction in every industry and every area of our lives. Innovative brands led the way, reaching consumers on new platforms, delivering unique experiences...
How Do Marketers Thrive in Today’s Tech Era?
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, 5G and IoT are going to significantly disrupt how consumers engage with brands in every industry. Marketers must embrace this new paradigm, which I call the Fifth Paradigm, to stay ahead of the game. Surviving the...
Purpose Prevails in Consumers Hearts, Minds and Wallets This Holiday Season
Increasingly, consumers are realizing they can harness their individual purchasing power to advance change. What’s different this holiday shopping season is that consumers are spending where they can see and feel the power of their impact – on their very own Main Streets. Mastercard’s new holiday...
Would you support a brand without purpose?
More than ever before, consumers are choosing to back brands they believe in. To them, it’s not just what a company does that matters, but more importantly, how it conducts its business and the impact it has on society. Trust is going to be a huge differentiator for brands, in a world that is...
How can brands foster optimism in troubled times?
When the world seemed less complicated, marketing was designed to move consumers and make products desirable. But it has now taken on a larger role. We’ve long been observing, participating in and driving a cultural shift from consumption for pleasure to consumption with purpose, with an...
What Can Small and Large Businesses Learn From Each Other?
While the adversity we’ve endured this year as global citizens has varied greatly by geography, industry and any number of demographics, the opportunity to work together with a crucial shared purpose has been uplifting for many of us. The COVID-19 crisis reinforces the value of not just mutual...